历史总是在特殊的时代,赋予总商会不同的社会使命和责任。1942年2 月15日,日本占领新加坡后,数以万计的的平民在二战期间无辜牺牲,尸骨无存。当新加坡中华总商会董事会获悉二战死难者遗骸被发现后,立即肩负道德和社会责任,自1962年开始成立工作委员会勘察乱葬岗地点,进行挖掘和迁葬遗骨,联合友族同胞筹募基金,与政府共同竖立日本占领时期死难人民纪念碑。
总商会每一年风雨无阻主办祭礼,让人们悼念亡灵之际,也时刻 提醒大家居安思危的重要性。

2021年祭礼主宾,时任教育部长黄循财先生认可总商会在推动 国民教育所作的努力。他说“总商会推出的电子书将成为学校课程的重要资源,帮助成长中的新一代了解建国历史,以及了解保卫自己国土的重要性。衷心感谢总商会这些年来风雨无阻地主办悼念日本占领时期死难人民祭礼,并通过这本电子书为新加坡人提供了宝贵的参考资料。”
2022年是新加坡沦陷80周年,也是新加坡建国 57年。我们站在这个重要的节点,不仅必须吸取历史的智慧,更应该反思建国的历史和发展,以及追溯先辈在建国进程中所作出的牺牲和奉献。作为一个独立、年轻的国家,新加坡的繁荣昌盛靠我们和年轻一代来打造和延续,让我们不分种族和语言、不分彼此,共同了解属于我们的过去,为新加坡更美好的未来一起努力。
Stand Together Regardless of Race Language Religion
Strive for a Better Future for Singapore
By Rolan Ng San Tiong / President of Singapore
Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) used to be imbued with different roles and responsibilities at different times in history. After the fall of Singapore to the invading Japanese army on the 15th of February 1942, tens of thousands of civilians were massacred, leaving no trace of the whereabouts of their remains. Upon learning the discovery of mass graves the SCCCI immediately decided to assume its moral and social responsibilities. The SCCCI formed a working committee in 1962 to locate the whereabouts of the mass graves and to excavate the remains. The committee robed in other ethnic communities in order to raise fund for the building of a civilian memorial.
A memorial is a foundation stone of history, connecting a nation’s past, present and future.
The completion of the Civilian War Memorial in1967 represents the whole-hearted support by the public and all civic organisations in Singapore towards the sincere leadership and the spirit of giving on the part of the SCCCI, and an affirmation of the SCCCI’s sense of identity with Singapore. The Memorial signifies not only that Singapore has experienced an unprecedented disaster but also our eternal spiritual beacon that connects us with the past, holds our citizens together and demonstrates our resilience and resolve to move forward.
The SCCCI annually conduct memorial service in commemoration of the civilian victims and to remind Singaporeans of the importance of bearing in mind the danger of war.
Two years of epidemic havoc has brought the whole world and Singapore under tremendous stress and challenges with serious consequences economically and socially. Despite this, the SCCCI has been able to obtain support from the Ministry of Defence to conduct the annual memorial service subject to strict observation of the standard operating procedures.
During the 2021 memorial service, an old lady (aged 90) paid special tribute to us. She said that she has never expected the SCCCI to conduct the memorial service in the time of epidemic What she said moved us greatly. Over the past 20 years she and her family members attended the memorial service regularly to commemorate her lost relatives whose remains were never found, the Memorial being the only place where she could pay respects to her lost relatives.
In order to enable the younger generation to understand the arduous tasks of nation-building undertaken by our compatriots, and to trace their sacrifices and contributions to cultivate a sense of identity to Singapore, the SCCCI acted timely by launching an electronic book-cum-video entitled The Story Behind the Civilian War Memorial, which is in line with the policy of integrating school and home studies promoted by the Ministry of Education.
During the 2021 memorial service guest of honour Mr. Lawrence Wong, the Minister for Education (as he then was), acknowledged the efforts made by the SCCCI in the promotion of national education. He said:” The electronic book launched by the SCCCI would become an important resource for the school curriculum. It helps the younger generation to understand our history of nation-building and the importance of defending our sovereignty. I thank the SCCCI for regularly conducting the memorial service despite rain or shine, and for providing a valuable reference for Singaporeans by the production of the electronic book.”
2022 is the 80th anniversary of the fall of Singapore during World War II and is also the 57th anniversary of Singapore’s independence. At this point in time we must not only draw a lesson from the wisdom of history, but also reflect on the history and progress of our nation-building, and trace the sacrifices and contributions made by our pioneers in nation-building. As an independent and young nation, Singapore depends upon us and our younger generation to achieve and sustain success and prosperity. Let us stand together regardless of race language or religion to acquaint ourselves with our history and to strive for a better future for Singapore.